DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository.RepositoryItemButtonEdit repbeiTemp1 = new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository.RepositoryItemButtonEdit();
DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository.RepositoryItemButtonEdit repbeiTemp2 = new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository.RepositoryItemButtonEdit();

gridView.CustomRowCellEdit += (s, e) =>
	if (e.Column.FieldName == "col1")
		if (e.CellValue == null)
			e.RepositoryItem = null;
			e.RepositoryItem = repbeiTemp1;
	else if (e.Column.FieldName == "col2")
		if (e.CellValue == null)
			e.RepositoryItem = null;
			e.RepositoryItem = repbeiTemp2;




무료 .NET용 컴포넌트


ComponentFactory/Krypton (오리지널)


GitHub - ComponentFactory/Krypton: Krypton WinForms components for .NET

Krypton WinForms components for .NET. Contribute to ComponentFactory/Krypton development by creating an account on GitHub.

NuGet :


KryptonToolkitSuite 4.6.501

Krypton WinForms components for .NET


ComponentFactory/Krypton에서 분기된 프로젝트


GitHub - megakraken/Krypton: Krypton WinForms components for .NET

Krypton WinForms components for .NET. Contribute to megakraken/Krypton development by creating an account on GitHub.

NuGet :


Krypton.Components.Suite 4.5.9

Krypton Suite of .NET WinForms Controls



※ Visual Studio Community 2019에서 사용 가능 확인함.

※ 두가지 중 뭐가 좋은지 확인 되지 않음 그건 사용 자분들이 ^^


void SetMultiSelectMode(GridView view, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridMultiSelectMode multiSelectMode = DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridMultiSelectMode.CheckBoxRowSelect) {
	view.OptionsSelection.MultiSelectMode = multiSelectMode;

string GetSelectedRows(GridView view) {
	//출처 : DevExpress - "Demo Center 19.2" / WinForms Demos / Data Grid and Editors / UI CUSTOMIZATION / Cell Selection 
    string ret = "";
    int rowIndex = -1;
    if(view.OptionsSelection.MultiSelectMode != GridMultiSelectMode.CellSelect) {
        foreach(int i in gridView1.GetSelectedRows()) {
            DataRow row = gridView1.GetDataRow(i);
            if(ret != "") ret += "\r\n";
            ret += string.Format("{2}: {0} (#{1})", row["CompanyName"], i, Properties.Resources.CompanyName);
    else {
        foreach(GridCell cell in view.GetSelectedCells()) {
            if(rowIndex != cell.RowHandle) {
                if(ret != "") ret += "\r\n";
                ret += string.Format("{1}: #{0}", cell.RowHandle, Properties.Resources.Row);
            ret += "\r\n    " + view.GetRowCellDisplayText(cell.RowHandle, cell.Column);
            rowIndex = cell.RowHandle;
    return ret;


DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView gv = sender as DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView;
if (gv.FocusedColumn.FieldName == "DIV_EXP_NO" && gv.ActiveEditor is GridLookUpEdit)
                            GridLookUpEdit lue = gv.ActiveEditor as GridLookUpEdit;
                            DataTable dt = lue.Properties.DataSource as DataTable;
                            DataView dv = new DataView(dt);
                            string strItem = gv.GetRowCellValue(gv.FocusedRowHandle, gv.Columns["ITEM_NAME"]).ToString();
                            dv.RowFilter = string.Format("ITEM_NAME='{0}'", strItem);
                            lue.Properties.DataSource = dv;

Microsoft Exchange 프로그램을 하기 위한 필수 SDK :  Exchange Web Services Managed API(SDK) 1.2.1

출처 : Microsoft

가장 유명한 VCL, .Net 컴포넌트의 대명가(?)에서 현재 .Net버전의 무료 버전을 배포하고 있네요

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